how to book covid vaccine slot through whatsapp

How to book covid vaccine slot through whatsapp?, व्हाट्सएप के माध्यम से स्लॉट कैसे बुक करे, जानिए स्टेप्स,  step by step process to book vaccination slot through whatsapp, how to book slot for covid vaccine, slot booking time for vaccine, how to book vaccine slot fast. 

If you want to book your COVID-19 vaccine slot through whatsapp then now it is possible. 

Although we can also book appointment through website. 

But now facility is also available through whatsapp to make the process more comfortable for everyone. 

all about how to book covid vaccine slot through whatsapp, व्हाट्सएप के माध्यम से स्लॉट कैसे बुक करे
how to book covid vaccine slot through whatsapp

Step by step process to book COVID-19 vaccination slot via WhatsApp:

  1. The special number is '9013151515'. Save this number in your mobile.
  2. Now type 'Book Slot' and send this message to this number.
  3. After this you will get an OTP(one time password). 
  4. Now use this OTP for further booking process. 
  5. Follow the instructions to book your slot for vaccination. 
  6. You can choose the vaccine type, center information and location etc. 
  7. You will get confirmation through whatsapp. 

Some questions related to covid -19 vaccination:

Can I download COVID-19 vaccine appointment slip?

Yes you can easily download the certification through official website or through link which you will get after vaccination. 

Can I book an appointment for COVID-19 vaccination through the Co-WIN portal?

Yes, very easily you can take appointment. 

Can I reschedule my COVID-19 vaccination appointment?

Yes , if you miss the appointment then you can reschedule.

व्हाट्सएप के माध्यम से स्लॉट कैसे बुक करे, जानिए स्टेप्स, 

व्हाट्सएप के माध्यम से COVID-19 टीकाकरण स्लॉट बुक करने की प्रक्रिया:

  1. विशेष संख्या '9013151515' है। इस नंबर को अपने मोबाइल में सेव कर लें।
  2. अब 'book slot’ टाइप करें और इस मैसेज को इस नंबर पर भेजें।
  3. इसके बाद आपको एक ओटीपी (वन टाइम पासवर्ड) मिलेगा।
  4. अब आगे की बुकिंग प्रक्रिया के लिए इस ओटीपी का उपयोग करें।
  5. टीकाकरण के लिए अपना स्लॉट बुक करने के लिए निर्देशों का पालन करें।
  6. आप टीके का प्रकार, केंद्र की जानकारी और स्थान आदि चुन सकते हैं।
  7. आपको व्हाट्सएप के जरिए कन्फर्मेशन मिल जाएगा।

दिए गए समय पर आपको केंद्र पर पहुचना होगा और टिका लगवाना होगा, अगर आप उस समय ना पहुच पाए तो आप दूसरा स्लॉट भी बुक कर सकते हैं |

How to book covid vaccine slot through whatsapp?, व्हाट्सएप के माध्यम से स्लॉट कैसे बुक करे, जानिए स्टेप्स,  step by step process to book vaccination slot through whatsapp, how to book slot for covid vaccine, slot booking time for vaccine, how to book vaccine slot fast. 

Google AdSense identity verification

 Google Adsense identity verification process step by step, how to verify easily online. 

Whenever any blogger or you tuber got approval of AdSense then the 2nd step is to verify the identity. 

An email receive when adsense account reach to $10.

Google AdSense identity verification
Google AdSense identity verification 

Adsense want you to verify your identity and for this we need to submit a government id proof in which our name is clearly mentioned as per in google adsense account. 

Note: Adhaar card is not permitted so never submit adhaar for identity verification. 

Following documents can be used :

  • Driving licence
  • Pan card
  • Voter id
  • Passport 

Point to keep in mind:

We have to take photo of both front and back of driving licence and make it one before uploading.

Front side of PAN card is ok, no need to submit back image.

If anyone is using voterid then also do click the pic of front and back and make it one in any editing software.

You can also read the rules given in verification email for clarification. 

Watch video here:

Now let’s check the step by step process for google adsense verification:

  1. Open the email sent by adsense.
  2. Click on verify now button.
  3. We will get a page.
  4. Read all the terms and condition.
  5. Go down and upload the document.
  6. Click submit.

After this if our document is ok then we will receive a confirmation mail of successful verification. 

And if our verification fail then we will ask to upload document again. 

Do keep a copy of your document in your hard drive or mobile to use it promptly whenever required. 

So hopefully my blog viewers got the knowledge of how to verify adsense account after having $10 in account. 

Enjoy earning and become a millionaire.

Wish you everyone  best of luck.

Google Adsense identity verification process step by step, how to verify easily online. 

Covid se thik hone ke baad kin bato ki saawdhani rakhe

covid से ठीक होने के बाद किन बातो की सावधानी रखना चाहिए, पोस्ट कोविद परेशानियों से कैसे छुटकारा पाए ?, post covid symptoms-what to do?.

आज के समय में covid से ठीक होने के बाद भी चुनौतियाँ कम नहीं होती बल्कि और बढ़ जाती है कुछ लोगो के लिए क्यूंकि लोग विभिन्न प्रकार की अन्य शारीरिक और मानसिक बीमारियों का शिकार हो रहे हैं |

कोरोना होने के बाद क्या करे,  कोरोना से ठीक होने के बाद क्या करे,
Covid se thik hone ke baad kin bato ki saadhani rakhe

ऐसे में जरुरी है की हम पोस्ट covid symptoms के प्रति जागरूक हो और सही उपायों को अपनाए |

आइये जानते हैं की कौन कौन सी परेशानियाँ आ रही है लोगो को covid से ठीक होने के बाद Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) के अनुसार :

  1. कुछ लोगो को सांस लेने पे परेशानी आ रही है, अब वे पहले की तरह पूरी सांस नहीं ले पा रहे हैं |
  2. कुछ लोग बहुत जल्दी थकने लगे हैं |
  3. कुछ लोगो का व्यवहार बहुत जल्दी जल्दी बदलने लगा है जिसे की मूड स्विंग कहते हैं |
  4. covid से ठीक होने के बाद कुछ लोगो को सर्दी जुखाम बहुत जल्दी जल्दी होने लग गया है |
  5. छाती में और पेट में दर्द भी बहुतो के द्वारा महसूस हो रहा है |
  6. कुछ लोगो को covid से ठीक होने के बाद सर में दर्द रहने लगा है |
  7. कुछ लोगो की धड़कन तेज हो हो गई है जिसके कारण वे परेशां है |
  8. मन किसी काम में एकाग्र नहीं हो पा रहा है |
  9. मांस पेशियों में और जॉइंट्स में दर्द भी बहुत लोगो को रहने लगा है |
  10. नींद न आने की समस्या भी बहुत बढ़ गई है |
  11. कुछ लोगो को रुक रुक के बुखार आ रहा है |
  12. कुछ इतने कमजोर हो गए हैं की खड़े रहने पे चक्कर आते हैं |
  13. कुछ लोगो को त्वचा में चकते पड़ गए हैं |
  14. कुछ का तो स्वाद  ही पहले जैसा नहीं रहा है |
  15. महिलाओं में मासिक समय भी बिगड़ा है |
  16. बहुत से लोग पाइल्स की बीमारी का शिकार भी हो गए हैं covid से ठीक होने के बाद |
  17. CDC के अनुसार बच्चो में शारीर के अंगो में सुजन भी देखने को मिला है covid के बाद |

तो बहुत से लोग मानसिक रोगी हो गए हैं, बहुत से लोग नई बीमारियों से ग्रस्त हो गए हैं जैसे ब्लैक फंगस.

तो यहाँ ध्यान ये रखना है की जितना ख्याल हमने covid होने पे अपना रखा है उससे ज्यादा अब हमे अपना रखना होगा ताकि हम पूरी तरह से स्वस्थ हो सके मानसिक और शारीरिक तौर पे |

इसे post covid care कहते हैं |

कोरोना वायरस से ठीक होने के बाद क्या करे, कोरोना होने के कितने दिन बाद संबंध बनाना चाहिए, कोरोना के बाद साइड इफेक्ट, कोरोना होने के बाद वैक्सीन कब लगवाए|

सही मायने में देखा जाए तो जो लोग covid से ग्रस्त हुए वे लोग एक बहुत ही गंभीर मानसिक तनाव से गुजरे हैं जिसे सिर्फ वे ही जानते हैं और ऐसे में बहुत सी दवाइयां भी उन्हें दी गई जिसके भी प्रभाव शारीरिक और मानसिक रूप से देखने को मिले |

यही कारण है की लोगो को दिल, किडनी, लुंग्स, ब्लैक फंगस, बदन दर्द, मानसिक रोग आदि समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ रहा है |

आइये अब जानते हैं की post covid symptoms से बाहर आने के लिए क्या करना चाहिए ?

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) के अनुसार सबसे पहले अपने डॉक्टर से परामर्श लेके जल्द से जल्द वैक्सीन लगवा लेना चाहिए |
  • अच्छी quality का मास्क उपयोग करे जो आपके नाक और मुंह को पूरी तरह से धक् के रखे |
  • हमेशा 6 फीट की दुरी बनाए रखे सभी से |
  • जहा भी भीड़ हो वहां जाने से बचे |
  • अपने हाथो को समय समय पर सेनीताईज करते रहें health ministry के द्वारा बताये गए तरीको से |

आइये अब जानते हैं अपने आप को बेहतर करने के कुछ और शक्तिशाली तरीको के बारे में :

  • सबसे पहले तो लम्बी और गहरी सांस लेने की कोशिश करिए |
  • अच्छे आयुर्वेदिक और होम्योपैथिक चिकित्सक से परामर्श लीजिये |
  • हमेशा फ्रेश ही खाइए और ज्यादा से ज्यादा फाइबर युक्त आहार लीजिये |
  • सुबह सुबह घुमने की आदत बनाए |
  • हो सके तो हरी घास पे चलिए नंगे पाँव |
  • ॐ की ध्वनि पर ध्यान शुरू कीजिये |
  • कॉमेडी फिल्मे देखिये |
  • अपने आपको किसी ना किसी काम में लगा के रखिये |

तो अगर आप post covid symptoms के शिकार है तो बिक्लुल भी ना घबराए, धैर्य रखे , सकारात्मक सोचे, सकारात्मक आदतों को अपनाए, सकारात्मक सोच वाले लोगो से बाते करे और अपने जीवन में बेहतरीन बदलाव को महसूस करे |

जिस ईश्वरीय शक्ति ने हमे घोर संकट के समय में बचाया है उसपर पूर्ण भरोसा रखिये, सब जल्दी अच्छा होगा |

covid से ठीक होने के बाद किन बातो की सावधानी रखना चाहिए, पोस्ट कोविद परेशानियों से कैसे छुटकारा पाए ?, post covid symptoms-what to do?.

Post covid symptoms and what to do

Post covid symptoms and what to do, some ways recommended by CDC, some natural ways for recovery.

In these days people who have overcome from covid are passing through different types of weakness and as per Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), these problems comes under category of post covid symptoms.

all about Post covid symptoms and what to do for recovery
Post covid symptoms and what to do

People are facing the following types of problems :

  1. Unable to take proper breathe
  2. Become tired easily
  3. Mood swing problem increases in some people
  4. Easily suffering from cold and cough
  5. Pain in stomach and chest also seen frequently or regularly.
  6. Headache problem
  7. Increase in heart beat
  8. Difficulty in focusing mind in any work.
  9. Pain in joints  or in muscles
  10. Insomnia i.e. facing problem in sleeping
  11. Intermittent fever
  12. Dizziness on standing
  13. Joint or muscle pain
  14. Some people are facing piles problems after covid.
  15. Skin problems also arises in many one's. 
  16. Some female are facing Changes in period cycles and so on.
  17. Black fungus problem has also ruin the life of many people after covid.
  18. Some people are facing problems in kidney, lungs, skin, brain etc and they are mentally disturbed due to this. 

हिंदी में पढ़िए covid से ठीक होने के बाद किन बातो की सावधानी रखना चाहिए

Watch video here:

post covid-19 symptoms after recovery, post covid symptoms in india, post covid recovery symptoms.

So people are facing different types of problems as per their nature, body, earlier health issues. 

As per research it is also found that those who are alone and nothing to do are facing post covid symptoms more than people who are busy in day to day work. 

In actual people who have suffered from covid passed through trauma and heavy doses of medicines which has affect the physical health badly.  So it needs time to recover from it so patience is playing key role here with proper measures. 

Inflammation in body parts also seen mostly in children as per data collected by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

What to do when anyone face post covid symptoms?

  • As per CDC, the best way is to get vaccinated as soon as possible after consulting your doctor. 
  • Use a good quality mask which covers nose and mouth.
  • Always make distance of six feet from others. 
  • Avoid public places where gathering is expected. 
  • Sanitize your hand  regularly with soap and other suitable material recommended by health ministry. 

Now let’s know about some natural ways fast recovery from post covid symptoms:

  1. Try to take deep breathe which will help you a lot. 
  2. Consult a good ayurvedic and homeopathic expert to heal yourself from within. 
  3. Eat fresh always and do focus on fibrous foods. 
  4. Make a habit of morning walk. 
  5. If possible do walk on green grass without sleeper or shoes.
  6. Do meditation with OM which is a universal sound. 
  7. Do watch comedy serials or movies. 
  8. Engage yourself in your hobbies, don’t sit free. 
after-effects of covid-19 on human body, post covid symptoms and treatment, what are some common symptoms of post covid syndrome, post covid syndrome treatment, post covid complications after recovery.

So don’t worry about post covid symptoms, think positive, do positive, talk to positive minded people and see the change in yourself. 

Don’t panic in any case because this increase the sufferings, do believe on universal power and have faith, everything will be ok soon. 

Post covid symptoms and what to do, some ways recommended by CDC, some natural ways for recovery.

9 amazing gadgets for kitchen

 9 amazing gadgets for kitchen, tools for cooking, latest collection online, buy online. 

Kitchen is energy generating place and so we need everything here to make work easy, smooth and fast. 

Here blog reader can get the best Amazing kitchen gadgets for those who want to make their work easier.

all about 9 amazing gadgets for kitchen, buy online now, special offer.

Get the latest collection of kitchen gadgets which you cannot ignore and the most important thing is that all are available at best price, cheapest rate. 

Stylish kitchen is the dream of every housewives and this article will fill your dream. 

By using these tools we can speed up our cooking process easily. Have fun with the latest arrivals to make life easier. Buy the quality products, durable gadgets from one of the best site in google. 

We can surely cutoff our time by using the kitchen gadgets so be smart, save time and enjoy life.

Check Video here

So let’s start with amazing collection of kitchen gadgets:

1. The first product in our list is KNIFE SHARPNER, this is the most needed product in every home and specially in kitchen. We need to sharpen our knives, scissors, screwdriver and so on and this tool will fulfill our work. 

We don’t have to go to market or don’t have to wait for the persons who do this work. Now we can sharpen our tools self.

Electric Knife sharpner Motorized Sharpening Tool  Cordless:

Buy it directly from here:

2. Next is manual knife sharpener gadget: HAYDEN 3 Stage Manual Knife Sharpener Kitchen Tool (Black): 

If you want non-electric tool to sharpen your tools then here is the best option.

Buy it now from here:

3. Our next selection is spice rack or spice box set which we can replace from our traditional masaldani:

This set contains 16 box to keep spices and has revolving facility. So make your kitchen interesting by buying this gadget now.


4. Next gadget is for everyone who want to care of their hands while dishwashing. Yes! Presenting best quality dish washing gloves to maintain health of your hands.

Buy it now online:


5. very good gadget for squeezing lemon or garlic in kitchen. This is a professional tool and help you life long. This purchase will never harass you.

Buy this gadget online from here:

6. Now presenting a wonderful product which will help everyone a lot while cleaning your kitchen fan, room fan, dusting office wall and so on. This comes with a rod and is very helpful, buy this latest gadget now and enjoy cleaning. 

7. An excellent product for everyone who want to prepare breakfast soon. 

Presenting Beach 25476 Breakfast Electric Sandwich Maker:

It needs 110 volts and make your breakfast in just 5 minutes.

It make the delicious sandwiches in just minutes, make fresh breakfast and enjoy healthy life. 

Buy this amazing gadget for kitchen and make breakfast quickly and delicious. 

8. Next is an amazing juice with latest technology. Kuvings B1700 Professional Cold Press Whole Slow Juicer, Powerful 240 Watts Motor, Patented JMCS Technology for Max Yield (Phantom Black Juicer).

Everyone can enjoy this juicer, have the fresh juice always by keeping this tool at your home kitchen. 

Buy it now online at best price:

9. Strawberry Huller Fruit Slicer Stem Remover Corer for Strawberries Tomatoes Persimmon Cherry. Use this excellent tool and decorate your kitchen. 

This tool looks like a strawberry and everyone will love to hold it to keep in in shelf.

This is made with quality material so is safe to use, it is healthy and eco friendly.

Nice grip to handle it smoothly. 

This is suitable for soft fruits, vegetables like cherries, strawberries, tomatoes, pedicles etc. 

Buy it now online and make your kitchen special:

10.  Salad Dressing Maker, this gadget will definitely make your kitchen special, we can use this in a variety of way to mix different things. 

Presenting latest innovative mixing system: To emulsify dressings in seconds. Supremely Easy-to-use: A hand-held automatic mixing unit with detachable blade and soft-touch button.

We can use it for dressings, dips , blending sauces and use the fresh always. It is airtight to save our precious dishes. 

100% Safe: FDA approved durable plastic. Clear markings: Measurement in ml & Oz along with four classic dressing recipes imprinted on the carafe.

Get a Free Recipe booklet: Comes with easy chef recommended recipes to help you make delicious dips daily.

Buy it now from here:

Kitchen is energy generating place and so we need everything here to make work easy, smooth and fast. 

Here blog reader can get the best Amazing kitchen gadgets for those who want to make their work easier.

Get the latest collection of kitchen gadgets which you cannot ignore and the most important thing is that all are available at best price, cheapest rate. 

Stylish kitchen is the dream of every housewives and this article will fill your dream. 

By using these tools we can speed up our cooking process easily. Have fun with the latest arrivals to make life easier. Buy the quality products, durable gadgets from one of the best site in google. 

We can surely cutoff our time by using the kitchen gadgets so be smart, save time and enjoy life.

So here are 9 kitchen gadget which no one can ignore. Buy it right now from here and start enjoying your cooking now. 

Kitchen gadgets, tools for cooking, latest collection online, buy online. 

Buy robots online of best quality

Humanoids robots, Dancing robot toy, Latest robot arrival, best collection, most advance robot.

Robots are the best friends of not only kids but elders too and so there is always a craze about robotic toys in whole world. Here in this article we will know about the different types of robot toys and price in india and best website to buy authentic toys. Robot is a combination of sensor, motors and program and so is very interesting. 
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Buy robots online of best quality

Let’s know about the types of robots:

Depend upon the functions and mechanism robots are divided into many categories like as 
  1. Simple robots which talks only.
  2. Dancing toys when given command
  3. Working robots
  4. Teaching robots Toys with artificial intelligence and so on 
So there are many types of automatic toys and everyone can buy it as per age and need. 

Which is the best advance robot to enjoy ? 
If we really want to interact with automatic technology then it is good to go for humanoids which are most advanced and interact freely with user. 
Interaction with humanoid will definitely a fun and unforgettable moment. You will find them walking, talking, kicking, doing karate, dancing and making fun. 
The whole family will spend a great moments with humanoids.

Let’s buy it online from most trusted site : 

1, Ojis Ecart Humanoid Robot DIY Kit:

This is one of the best humanoid robot which is sold by OJIS ECART in amajon. 

Lets know the features of this robo: 
This comes with Bluetooth interface for wireless control We can see 18 hobby and all are controlled by PC and Micro controller This robo has USB interface Comes Pre-loaded bootloader Software exports sequences to for running servo sequences You will definitely enjoy this humanoid.

Be the first to buy it now from Amazon: Price of this robot in India is 23337 INR 

2, Silverlit Macrobot Robo: If you want to familiar with robotic technology then this is Child's First Step to Actual Robotics, with Remote Control (Included) 50 Programmable Actions. Free App for Extra Fun.

Features of this robo: 
It has sensor recognition to track and walk on the same path. This macrobat robo has Auto balance function. It can detect Obstacle. Wireless pre-program action Tri - colors led eyes Robotic voice playback Tray included for carrying objects This robo will be a fun for everyone and we must keep it in home to enjoy spare time. 

Buy it now before it goes out from stock. Price in India is 3733 INR 

3. 13DOF Biped Robot, Leg Robot Humanoid Servo Motor Metal Bracket (NO Servo) - KG352: 

Features of this humanoid: 

It perform variety of arm movements, 2mm thick 60 Series Hard aluminum The lower limbs of the robot can walk straight and turning, upper limbs of the robot can perform a variety of arm movements. Multifunctional Bracket L-Shaped Bracket "-" Type Bracket , Bushing Bearings Cup short U-Shaped Bracket.

Price in india is 5999INR Buy it before it goes out from stock: 


4. Brunte Tech Warrior Intelligent Model Remote Robot, for Kids: 

Feature of this robo: 

Best Quality Tech Warrior intelligent model Remote Robot, Remote Robot for Kids) Toy is made up of Best Quality Material Plastic Brunte upholds the highest standards of quality, excellence and offers the most exciting range of toys towards child and family entertainment. 

Price in india : 2457 INR Buy it now to enjoy with family: 


5. Remote Control Dinosaur Toy for Kids | Realistic RC Dinosaur Robot Figures | Comes with Flashing Lights and Dinosaur Sounds | Great Dinosaur Toy Gift Set , Red:

If you love dinosaur then this robot is best for you. 

Features of dinosaur robo: 

This is a battery operated toy and it walks, swing head, move forward with turning feature left and right. The design of this toy is best and will definitely attract the children. They will definitely play with it for long without any harm. The flashing light of this dinosaur with sounds is a attraction point for children and kids. Everyone can have fun with this toy. This is a perfect gift for your beloved, children, kids in special occasion. The material used to make this product is of high quality so not to worry about. 
Best price in india is 2699 INR Buy it now : 


If you want to find more robots then do click here for more robots toys online. 
Want to search more products then use the search bar: Best products for home, office, kids, children, gifts.

Humanoids robots, Dancing robot toy, puppy toy, Latest robot arrival, best collection, most advance robot. 

What are the main changes from Ist august

What are the Main changes in Indian financial market  From 1 august 2021, points to keep in mind while doing banking activities, जानिए 1 अगस्त से कौन्स से बड़े बदलाव हो गए हैं भारतीय बाजार में, किन बातो का ध्यान रखना होगा अब हमे .

all about What are the main changes from Ist august in hindi and englsh
What are the main changes from Ist august

Now from Ist of august 2021, 5 main changes are done in 5 sectors in Indian bazaars. Everyone must know about these changes to not bear any loss. 

अब 1 अगस्त २०२१ से 5 बड़े बदलाव किये गए हैं भारत में जिसके बारे में हम सभी को जानकारी होनी चाहिए अन्यथा परेशानी होगी |

  1. Changes in Salary and EMI payments/ वेतन और ईएमआई भुगतान में परिवर्तन  
  2. Changes in policy of ATM cash withdrawals cost/ एटीएम नकद निकासी लागत की नीति में परिवर्तन
  3. ICICI Bank  revised charges/ आईसीआईसीआई बैंक के नियम में संशोधन 
  4. IPPB to revise banking charges/ आईपीपीबी की  बैंकिंग शुल्क में संशोधन 
  5. Changes in LPG Cylinder prices/ एलपीजी सिलेंडर की कीमतों में बदलाव

Let’s see the details of changes

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1. Changes in Salary and EMI payments/ वेतन और ईएमआई भुगतान में परिवर्तन:

अब 1 अगस्त 2021 से छुट्टि के दिन भी ईएमआई कटेगी। भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक ने घोषणा की है कि अब national clearing house प्रतिदिन कार्य करेगा। इससे उपभोक्ता को समय पर बिल का भुगतान करने में मदद मिलेगी।

2. Changes in policy of ATM cash withdrawals cost/ एटीएम नकद निकासी लागत की नीति में परिवर्तन:

From Ist of august, if we withdraw money from other bank ATM then we have to pay 17 per transaction, earlier it was rs 15.

1 अगस्त से अगर हम दूसरे बैंक के एटीएम से पैसे निकालते हैं तो हमें प्रति ट्रांजैक्शन 17 देना होगा, पहले यह 15 रुपये था।

3. ICICI Bank revised charges/ आईसीआईसीआई बैंक के नियम में संशोधन:

With effect from Ist of august 2021, icici bank has also revised charges in banking activities like now we can use only 4 checks freely in a month, after that we have to pay Rs 150 per transaction i.e. on withdrawal and deposit. 

1 अगस्त 2021 से, आईसीआईसीआई बैंक ने बैंकिंग गतिविधियों में शुल्कों को भी संशोधित किया है जैसे अब हम एक महीने में केवल 4 चेक का स्वतंत्र रूप से उपयोग कर सकते हैं, उसके बाद हमें प्रति लेनदेन 150 रुपये का भुगतान करना होगा यानी निकासी और जमा पर।

4. IPPB to revise banking charges/ आईपीपीबी की  बैंकिंग शुल्क में संशोधन

With effect from 1 august 2021, now customers of Indian post payments bank(IPPB) have to pay additional charges to use the doorstep services with GST. 

1 अगस्त 2021 से, अब आईपीपीबी के ग्राहकों को डोरस्टेप सेवाओं का उपयोग करने के लिए अतिरिक्त शुल्क का भुगतान करना होगा जी एस टी के साथ ।

5. Changes in LPG Cylinder prices/ एलपीजी सिलेंडर की कीमतों में बदलाव

With effect from ist of august 2021, Fuel companies will revise the prices of LPG at the starting of every month as per the price of crude oil. 

अगस्त 2021 के प्रभाव से, ईंधन कंपनियां कच्चे तेल की कीमत के अनुसार हर महीने की शुरुआत में एलपीजी की कीमतों में संशोधन करेंगी।

So these are the main 5 changes which Indian public must accept from Ist of august 2021.

Do make your plan accordingly to avoid any losses, make your budget by keeping in mind the above changes. 

तो ये हैं मुख्य 5 बदलाव जिन्हें भारतीय जनता को 1 अगस्त 2021 से स्वीकार करना होगा ।

किसी भी तरह के नुकसान से बचने के लिए अपनी योजना उसी के अनुसार बनाएं, उपरोक्त परिवर्तनों को ध्यान में रखते हुए अपना बजट बनाएं।

What are the Main changes in Indian financial market  From 1 august 2021, points to keep in mind while doing banking activities, जानिए 1 अगस्त से कौन्स से बड़े बदलाव हो गए हैं भारतीय बाजार में, किन बातो का ध्यान रखना होगा अब हमे .