What is Emergency contraception pill

 What is Emergency contraception, when to use I pill or Unwanted 72?

Emergency contraception are in great demand in these days because of increase in unprotected intercourse/physical relationships. 

These are very helpful in following conditions:

  • Preventing pregnancy if physical relationship made without safety. 
  • Preventing pregnancy when condom damaged during intercourse. 

What is Emergency contraception, when to use I pill or Unwanted 72?.
What is Emergency contraception pill

Emergency contraceptive pills are available easily in medical stores and anyone can take it without prescription. These are used when unsafe relationship takes place.

When to take Emergency contraceptive pill(ECP)?

It is advised to take ECP within 72 hours (three days) after having unprotected relationship. The sooner you take the pill, the better your chances of not getting pregnant.

Where to get Emergency contraceptive pill in India?

These are available in every medical store and if you think that you need it, just go and buy it directly. The popular contraceptive pills are UNWANTED-72, I PILL .

How do Emergency contraceptive pill work? 

These tablet delay the ovulation which leads to no-pregnancy. It must be kept in mind that ECP will not work if pregnancy happened. So don’t use these pills if you have crossed the given time and pregnancy occurred. If female has conceived then abortion pills are used under guidance of doctor. 

Who can use Emergency contraceptive pill?

Any female who have made physical relationship without protection can use these contraceptive to avoid pregnancy. There is no age limit of using these contraceptive pills. 

But if you have any doubt then do consult your doctor to avoid any major issues. 

Let’s know the benefits of Emergency contraceptive pill:

  1. It is helpful to not conceive if relationship made without protection. 
  2. Easily available and no extra precaution is needed to take it. 
  3. One can easily overcome from fear to get pregnant after having intercourse. 
  4. Not expensive. 

Side effects of taking Emergency contraceptive pill(unwanted 72 or ipill):

  • It does not give protection against STD infections i.e. sexually transmitted diseases. 
  • It may change the timing of menstrual period.
  • Some suffer from fatigue.
  • Some females passes through headache.
  • Nausea is also seen in some females. 
  • Some vomit if not suit. 
  • Some also feel pain in stomach. 
  • Dizziness is also reported by many ones. 

Points to keep in mind before using Emergency contraceptive pill(unwanted 72 or ipill):

  • These are not made to use regularly so be careful. If you want to use any regular contraceptive then do consult your doctor and follow guidance.
  • Do take as soon as you have done unprotected intercourse. Best to take within 72 hour.
  • If bleeding is going on then do not use it. 
  • If you are a patient of migraine then also do consult your doctor before using it. 
  • If you are suffering from any other disease which is affecting your immune then also do consult your doctor before using it. 

Does Emergency contraceptive pill(unwanted 72 or ipill) is dangerous for further pregnancy?

No, if this is not used permanently then it is not harmful and not affect the further pregnancy. 

What is Emergency contraception, when to use I pill or Unwanted 72?.

what is monkeypox disease

What Are Monkeypox Symptoms And How Does This Disease Spread?, treatment of monky-pox  मंकीपॉक्स : क्या होते हैं लक्षण और कैसे फैलती है यह बीमारी?, क्या इलाज है |

कोरोना संक्रमण से अभी दुनिया लड़ ही रही है और ऐसे में एक और भयानक वायरस का संक्रमण शुरू हो गया है दुनिया मे और वो है मंकीपॉक्स |

दुनियाभर में मंकीपॉक्स को लेके डर फ़ैलता जा रहा है और इसी कारण सभी देशो में सुरक्षा व्यवस्था को और मजबूत किया गया है |

What Are Monkeypox Symptoms And How Does This Disease Spread?, treatment of monky-pox  मंकीपॉक्स : क्या होते हैं लक्षण और कैसे फैलती है यह बीमारी?
what is monkeypox disease

Read in english about what is MONKEYPOX?

आइये जानते हैं कहाँ कहाँ सबसे अधिक मरीज मिल रहे हैं monkepox के ?

ब्रिटेन, इटली, पुर्तगाल, स्पेन, स्वीडन और अमेरिका में लोग इससे संक्रमित पाए गए हैं। 

मंकीपॉक्स क्या है?

मंकीपॉक्स बिमारी के लक्षण चेचक जैसे हैं और इलाज भी लगभग समान ही है | सबसे पहले ये बिमारी 1958 में बंदरो में पाया गया था उसके बाद मनुष्य में पहली बार 1970 में पाया गया था | 

जानकारी के अनुसार यह रोग मुख्य रूप से मध्य और पश्चिम अफ्रीका के उष्णकटिबंधीय वर्षावन क्षेत्रों में होता है और कभी-कभी अन्य क्षेत्रों में पहुंच जाता है।

मंकीपॉक्स वायरस पॉक्सविरिडे परिवार से संबंधित है, जिसमें चेचक और चेचक की बीमारी पैदा करने वाले वायरस भी शामिल हैं।

पढ़िए गर्मियों के मौसम में बीमारियों से कैसे बचाव करें ?

क्या होते हैं मंकी पॉक्स बीमारी के लक्षण:

विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (W.H.O.) के अनुसार, इस बिमारी में बुखार, शरीर में दाने और गांठ होने लगते हैं, सिरदर्द, सूजन, पीठ दर्द, मांसपेशियों में दर्द भी दीखते हैं | ये लक्षण आमतौर पर दो से चार सप्ताह तक दिखते हैं, जो अपने आप दूर होते चले जाते हैं। 

एक बार जब बुखार टूट जाता है तो एक दाने विकसित हो सकते हैं, जो अक्सर चेहरे पर शुरू होते हैं, फिर शरीर के अन्य हिस्सों में फैल जाते हैं, आमतौर पर हाथों की हथेलियों और पैरों के तलवों में।

Monkeypox कैसे फैलता है?

इस बिमारी के फैलने का मुख्य कारण होता है मंकीपॉक्स से ग्रस्त व्यक्ति या जानवर से निकटता या वायरस से दूषित सामग्री का उपयोग करना | 

क्या समलैंगिक पुरुष अधिक जोखिम में हैं?

कुछ मामलों को समलैंगिक और उभयलिंगी पुरुषों में ये बीमारी देखि गई है |जो कोई भी किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति के निकट संपर्क में आता है जिसे मंकीपॉक्स है, उसे संभावित रूप से वायरस हो सकता है।

पढ़िए शादी से पहले क्या क्या नहीं छुपाना चाहिए ?

मंकी पॉक्स का इलाज क्या है?

  • इस बिमारी के अंतर्गत जो चेचक का इलाज है वही दिया जाता है, 
  • चेचक के खिलाफ टीकाकरण मंकीपॉक्स को रोकने में 85% प्रभावी साबित हुआ है।
  • एंटीवायरल दवाएं भी मदद कर सकती हैं। इसपे अभी लगातार शोध चल रहे हैं | 

The world is still fighting with corona infection and in such a situation another terrible virus infection has started in the world and that is monkeypox.

Fear of monkeypox is spreading all over the world and for this reason the security system has been strengthened in all countries.

Let us know where most of the patients are being found of monkepox?

People have been found infected with it in Britain, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and America.

What is monkeypox?

The symptoms of monkeypox disease are similar to those of chickenpox and the treatment is almost the same. This disease was first found in 1958 in monkeys, after that it was found in humans for the first time in 1970.

According to the information, this disease occurs mainly in tropical rainforest areas of Central and West Africa and occasionally reaches other areas.

The monkeypox virus belongs to the family Poxviridae, which also includes the viruses that cause chickenpox and related diseases. 

What are the symptoms of monkey pox disease:

According to the World Health Organization (W.H.O.), this disease causes fever, rash and lumps in the body, headache, swelling, back pain, muscle pain. These symptoms usually appear for two to four weeks, which go away on their own.

Once the fever breaks down a rash may develop, often starting on the face, then spreading to other parts of the body, usually the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.

How is Monkeypox spread?

The main reason for the spread of this disease is close proximity to a person or animal with monkeypox or using material contaminated with the virus.

Are gay men at greater risk?

Some cases have been seen in gay and bisexual men. Anyone who comes into close contact with someone who has monkeypox can potentially get the virus.

What is the treatment for monkey pox?

  • Under this disease, the treatment for smallpox is given,
  • Vaccination against smallpox has been shown to be 85% effective in preventing monkeypox.
  • Antiviral medications can also help. Research is going on continuously on this.
What Are Monkeypox Symptoms And How Does This Disease Spread?, treatment of monky-pox  मंकीपॉक्स : क्या होते हैं लक्षण और कैसे फैलती है यह बीमारी?, क्या इलाज है |

Rj Praveen best pranks videos

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One of the most funny rj in red fm kolkata is rj Praveen and his pranks videos are very popular. 

He also has his own youtube channel which is very popular. His videos are good medium to over come from stress, loneliness, anxiety, depression etc. 

He has an extra ordinary talent to make people laugh and also he has a talent to change his voice which help him to make his pranks more powerful. 

He is a good artist, content maker, dubbing artist, comedian. 

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Rj Praveen best pranks videos

His full name is Praveen sethia  and nick name is Rj Praveen. Professionally he is a radio jockey, comedian and youtuber. 

He was born on 12th of april 1984 in howrah, west Bengal, india. He has done his schooling from sree jain vidyalaya and college from Calcutta University. 

His father name is Vijay Sethia and mother name is Minakshi Sethia

  • Facebook   @RJPraveenRedFM
  • Instagram   @Rjpraveen
  • LinkedIN @praveen-sethia
  • Youtube RJPRAVEEN
  • Twitter @rjpraveenredfm
  • Email rjpraveen.work@gmail.com

Let’s check the best pranks videos of rj Praveen:

Prank Title Youtube Link
Bhabi ka Channel - https://youtu.be/oqlz-3r7UGo
Wah Behen Wah https://youtu.be/3IC58nNKxFQ
Bhabhi Ki Ticket Kata Lo - RJ Praveen #RedMurga https://youtu.be/L27LNP2d8r0
JANHIT MEIN JAARI || RED MURGA || RJ PRAVEEN https://youtu.be/UdlInhOz-Pg
RED MURGA - LE LO NA DIDI https://youtu.be/mp5_pJIUC_A
DIDI MISSING HAI || RED MURGA https://youtu.be/jynnLEfqJMI
SACHIN & PINKY https://youtu.be/a82BjerOpps
TIP TAPA TAP || RED MURGA || RJ PRAVEEN https://youtu.be/78E6osLyxPo
HELLO PUJA AUNTY https://youtu.be/aJQ5Y8Kz8R4
DJ PARMANU || RED MURGA https://youtu.be/eTJ8IwDWaec
RED MURGA - FULL BODY CHECK UP https://youtu.be/918Md5VpAzk
WO KAB KARENGE || RED MURGA https://youtu.be/51ZlJt22Las
DARSHAN KI FAN https://youtu.be/NKWQ_K46Z2g
PEECHE SE DEKHA HAI https://youtu.be/CExF1kpaiHA
VALENTINE WALA MURGA https://youtu.be/wRCUxQ_nl1o
Red Murga - Bhadak gaye Bhaiya https://youtu.be/nT61tRezq-M
Red Murga - Udhaar Wali Zindagi https://youtu.be/DwhWrQ73AVY
BHAIYA JI KHELENGE https://youtu.be/yorgvDwiY3I
Biwi Ki Li Hai! https://youtu.be/oSyOBaamZ7U
Didi Viral Hai - Red Murga | RJ Praveen https://youtu.be/arBkqc6-n38

One of the most funny rj in red fm kolkata is rj Praveen and his pranks videos are very popular. 

He also has his own youtube channel which is very popular. His videos are good medium to over come from stress, loneliness, anxiety, depression etc. 

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He has an extra ordinary talent to make people laugh and also he has a talent to change his voice which help him to make his pranks more powerful. 

He is a good artist, content maker, dubbing artist, comedian

Who is Rj Praveen, best pranks videos, most funniest videos of radio jockey of Kolkata, rj Praveen best pranks online. 

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Who is RJ purab, why he is so famous, best pranks of rj purab, latest pranks list.

One of the most rapidly growing you-tuber is RJ Purab, he is getting famous for his original car fooling pranks in Kanpur region. 

He is senior RJ (radio jockey) in Red FM 93.5. 

His videos become viral as soon as it is published, people are crazy about his funny videos. 

He is not only a entertainer but a good person, kind hearted person. 

Who is rj praveen, watch his best pranks videos

Who is RJ purab, why he is so famous, best pranks of rj purab, latest pranks list.
rj purab pranks videos links

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about Rj purab:

When is the birthday of Rj purab?

16 september 1990

What is the full name of Raj purab?

Purab Duggal and we know him as rj purab.

What is the real profession of rj purab?

He is working in Red FM 93.5 FM as a senior radio jockey, content creator.

Why rj purab is famous?

He is very popular in youtube because of his original car pranks videos.

Birth place of rj purab:

Kanpur uttar Pradesh, india.

Is rj purab married:

Yes, he is married and his wife name is Reena duggal.

Check the best and latest pranks videos of Rj Purab:

Prank Name YouTube Link
''बेबी जुमानजी'' Car Prank  @Rj Purab https://youtu.be/LdhF048vpo4
निम्बू निचुड़ गये 🙄😂  https://youtu.be/2QYz_Wzh3Hw
गूजी गुजी चाहिए #carfooling https://youtu.be/zUVCVzNlxSw
चाचा चपक गए  https://youtu.be/o3KztmYloe8
बन गया पासपोर्ट 😎|| Car Prank @Rj Purab https://youtu.be/ROmjSHH-vXI
दद्दा से हो गए अरे दद्दा  https://youtu.be/hWLXcCXmEGc
लुल्ल TV Car Prank RJ Purab https://youtu.be/oWQCVOWPI9Q
सीट बेल्ट और वो 🙄 RJ Purab Seat Belt Compilation https://youtu.be/VwUlNp7P9og
अदला बदला Car Prank RJ Purab https://youtu.be/lbc3cFgB7fk
उतर गई सारी मस्ती 🍻..... Car Prank https://youtu.be/fc_l_9QWPgg
केला 🍌 खाओ पहले Car Prank RJ Purab #carfooling https://youtu.be/4Cf8SOYIZPQ
प्यार की ज्वाला 🔥 Car Prank RJ Purab https://youtu.be/8IQnN1skmZA
कट्टम बनाओ Car Prank Rj Purab https://youtu.be/cQlkt46ltvM
Better luck next time #busted https://youtu.be/7EjP9ORsQN0
भाई आज ये पीट देता Car Prank #carfooling https://youtu.be/kB3XOkmXcBA
जोड़ी बनाओगे 😈 Car Prank https://youtu.be/Ied6pjcYRU4
भसाला मारता है 😐  https://youtu.be/1do91tNz4pM
जजादुई मैप Car Prank with RJ Purab https://youtu.be/9nVG_wQqt4w
दिखा घोड़ापछाड़ बजी बीन 😐 Car Prank @Rj Purab https://youtu.be/8l57c9Ue0B8
घोडे वाला इंजेक्शन 💃 Car Prank https://youtu.be/KN3oTGNmtBA
भआओ तेंदुआ पकड़े Car prank by Rj Purab https://youtu.be/mnjVMItoL2A
जफॉर्म भर दो प्लीज  https://youtu.be/V_sF1SpaPdU
जब पल में वक़्त बदल गया Prank https://youtu.be/KaYQ3Z8qBNk
Prank in Car by RJ Purab Red FM https://youtu.be/KGRrYlsYi28

Watch the best prank videos with kanpuriya style raj purab, enjoy your time, get relaxed, have fun. 
One of best indian rj with original content in youtube.

Who is RJ purab, why he is so famous, best pranks of rj purab, latest pranks list.

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Life is full of pressure, responsibilities, hectic schedule and so everyone want to make mood free and for this comic movies are best medium. 

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Comedy movies are best way to release pressure, to make mood fresh, to enjoy spare time, to energize us. 

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The main thing about these old movies is that that these have some teachings and so are very good for everyone. 

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Check the list of Classical comedy movies of Bollywood with links of YouTube:

Movies' Name YouTube Link
Dhoti Lota Aur Chowpatty|Full Hindi Movie | Dharmendra, Mehmood, Farida Jalal, Mohan Choti https://youtu.be/32rt-Bh-5Pk
Naughty Boy 1962 || Indian Romantic Comedy Film || Kishore Kumar and Kalpana Mohan https://youtu.be/-L3YybXkSO0
Hindi Comedy Movie | Peechha Karro | Full Movie | Farooq Shaikh | Bollywood Comedy Movie https://youtu.be/RvFQ5La--zU
YAHAN WAHAN - Full Comedy MOVIE HD | Farouque Shaikh, Surinder Kaur, Jagdeep, Aruna Irani https://youtu.be/0pJ62iGbAp4
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Ek Baap Chhe Bete - एक बाप छे बेते Hindi Comedy Movie - Mehmood, Yogeeta Bali Jaya Bhaduri https://youtu.be/qxjQ1wMyArY
Dilli Ka Thug | Superhit Black & White Classic Movie | Comedy Thriller | Prime Action Movies https://youtu.be/81TeZIge_kE
अमोल पालेकर की सुपरहिट कॉमेडी मूवी गोल माल | उत्पल दत्त , बिंदिया घोस्वामी | Gol Maal (1979) https://youtu.be/2po8kELDZY8
Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi {HD} - Bollywood Comedy Movie - Kishore Kumar - Madhubala - Ashok Kumar https://youtu.be/ZL4-S6jta_k
Guru Suleman Chela Pahelwan (HD) (1981) -Full Hindi Comedy Action Movie |Dara Singh, Mehmood, Bindu https://youtu.be/0CMW_tJvvWA
Mera Damad - Farooque Sheikh - Zarina Wahab - Superhit Comedy Movies https://youtu.be/iZhnPsll0hg
ANGOOR Full Movie (HD) | Bollywood Comedy Movie | Sanjeev Kumar | Deven Verma | Moushumi https://youtu.be/tmehQk4HT3A
Ladies Tailor (1981) Bollywood Comedy Movie | लेडीज टेलर | Sanjeev Kumar, Reena Roy https://youtu.be/9yBCTt9MenU
Pyar kiye ja (1966) | full Hindi movie | Kishore Kumar, Shashi Kapoor, Mehmood, Om Prakash, Mumtaz https://youtu.be/Pp1P3OYYiEc
Do Ladke Dono Kadke (1979) Full Hindi Movie | Amol Palekar, Asrani, Moushmi Chatterjee https://youtu.be/ol4RrldVfx8
Kissi Se Na Kehna (1983) Full Hindi Movie | Farooq Sheikh, Deepti Naval, Utpal Dutt https://youtu.be/dtseMKKiDag

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